Wednesday, October 30, 2019

this is my one word

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blog Post
in manaiakalani we did coding in this coding thing we had to get wood and sheared the sheep and build a house i don't know what else there is but i'm in the building part.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

what to do when there a cyber bully

hello this is what to  do when there is  cyber bullies

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

  I like woodwork because it is easy to make and you get to bring your box home and coller it in and it is fun and the draws are big to fit lots of stuff but i also like art because i get to do my fav stuff i can draw anime and animals and more and then your artwork gets put in your hub so people can see it and i think at the end of the year we can take it home to show your mum and dad and then if you are a year 7 you can do  more and then the teachers are nice and let you do some more tech at lunch i really want to do the art one i also like music so far because of the keyboards but i'm not good at it but i try i also like the garding one you can make like a little grass thing that you look after and give it hair cuts and then take it home you also help the earth by make plants grow you can also clean the rubbish and put it in the bin and the tech is fun and the tech teacher is really nice and funny and i really like cooking tech because you make new foods and you eat a lot =3 the food tech teacher is really funny and nice as well i really like the tech that the school has that makes me like the school more.why i did the techs because i love them <3 they are also fun and something to do well the teacher have a break my least fav tech is probably none i love tech way to much XD 

Friday, August 30, 2019

we have to comment on other people's blog every tuesday and say stuff like what they can work on and what they did good on and stuff

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

                                green stuff -_-
1.grass trees green table green apples brokly grapes shrek  green pencils green lollies green pens the  10

                                  stuff XD  
2. compertr pens papper  tables  desk cheers techers  pencil books  food drinks  glue  12 

3. box fort  robot  cat box house posting box competer 

  were learning to show stuff     shakeing  embarrassed your face is red   shock eyes are wide  and speechless  gassping hands over your mouth 

sorry bad at spelling -_- 
sick. green face spewing dont talk that much ikey snotey nose cold
 cold. shirvring blankits all over you snotey nose sneezing sleepy 
   shy. -_-  

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

summers Thought on blogs

summers opinion-summer does not like the idea of people she does not know seeing her work

about me-chloe.v